40 From Our 40: Scott Maybee & NextGear Capital
Scott Maybee of NextGear Capital speaks to the crowd at Swing for Kids.
“I became involved with Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Indiana and immediately connected with the mission,” shares Scott.
In December 2018, the Maybees noticed their 2-year-old daughter Kennedy suddenly couldn’t walk. They took her to the hospital, where they spent a harrowing 48 hours. Despite extensive testing, doctors were unable to identify the cause. Fortunately, Kennedy’s issue resolved itself. But Scott didn’t forget how it felt to be in the hospital, worried and afraid. He wanted to join the RMHCCIN board to make a difference in families’ lives, like those that he met in the hospital.
“As a father of young kids, I think about the challenges these families are facing and how important assistance is during that time. It’s not just the room or meals, but the network of support the House provides to them that makes it so special and such an asset to our community.”